Q-Tales was presented to the management and IT department of Ellinogermaniki Agogi (www.ea.gr), one of the top private schools in Greece. The impression they had was so positive that they asked us to find a way to customize the platform for the school needs. Q-Tales’ developers collaborated with EA’s teachers, IT department and the management, in order for the Q-Tales platform to be combined with the work already taking place in the first grade of the primary school. Throughout the school year, teachers in the first grade ran a project called "Tales in the Mixer" where each kid draws an image with text from a selected story. Each story has four phases and each kid's drawing corresponds to a specific phase of the selected story. At the end, the drawings for each single phase of the stories are mixed up and by selecting randomly one page of each phase, a funny story comes out.
Q-Tales platform was adjusted to the needs of "Tales in the Mixer", the voices of the kids narrating their own texts on the drawings were recorded, and an e-book in Q-Tales platform was created per class, that apart of the common functionality offered by Q-Tales platform, random page mixing is taking place. This way when selecting the e-book of a class, a different funny story appears mixing heroes, action and results!
The e-books, results of the cooperation between the school and Q-Tales' team, were presented in the graduation event organized by the school for the end of the school year. An interactive whiteboard was used to present Q-Tales player with the seven e-books created - one for each class of the primary school. Kids with their parents were clicking in the e-books of their classes and they were excited and very satisfied when they managed (after several attempts some of them...) to find their own drawings and click on them so their parents could hear their voices.
In the next academic year, Ellinogermaniki Agogi plans to integrate the Q-Tales' platform in the curriculum of the second grade of the primary school in order the kids to be able to make and publish their own stories with Q-Tales.